October 4, 2018 Thursday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-B ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, RELIGIOUS
Job 19:21-27
Psalm 27
Luke 10:1-12
But as for me, I know that my Vindicator lives… Job 19:25
“The kingdom of God is at hand for you.” Lk. 10:9
Lord, our human justice system is flawed and far from perfect. Prejudice, corruption and divisive politics and other human failings can enter in and pervert justice from being done. Job up on understanding the reason for his suffering he held on to his faith in God and believed with all his heart that God’s justice was perfect and would one day vindicate or redeem him. The kingdom you established and taught is the world of perfect justice where all wrongs will be made right and all people judged perfectly. I believe, like Job, that even when I don’t understand the reason for suffering it has meaning when I unite it to yours, dear Lord. Help me to grow in confidence that in your Kingdom all will be made perfect and we will all live in peace. I cannot know fully your mind, dear Jesus, but I can fully trust that you know best and your justice will be applied perfectly and with great mercy. What I cannot understand now will be revealed one day and I will give you praise. Amen.