St Mary Church and School thanks you for your generous donation to our St Mary Annual Fund! With sponsors like you we are able to ensure our School and Church’s needs are met, including but not limited to maintaining our school/church grounds, replacing our 20+ year old a/c systems, meeting the salary needs of our amazing St. Mary teachers, beginning a much needed contingency fund and simply keeping the lights on for our students and parishioners. Your generous sponsorships to the St Mary Annual Fund also helps us maintain our school and church’s mission:
“The mission of St. Mary Catholic School is to create and encourage an environment of academic and spiritual excellence where children can grow in the knowledge of God and are formed to be the Catholic Leaders and Missionary Disciples our world needs.”
“In the unity with the Holy Spirit, our purpose is to foster a love for the liturgy which encourages compassion for people, inspires holiness, and nurtures an intimate relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ”

Please add 2.9% transaction fee if paying online or send check to St. Mary, 75 Barton Ave, Rockledge FL 32955
St. Mary Legacy circle
Waggener Dentistry
European American Armory Corporation
Our lady of Fatima Circle
Leinbach Family
Queen of Heaven Circle
EMaids *
Schroeck Veterinary Care *
Riverview Memorial *
Valderrama Orthodontics *
The McKelvey Group, Merrill Lynch
Davidson Family
Ed Ridel
*** Signs of Success contributors
Signs of Success
There’s something special about St. Mary Church & School. Each year, thousands of our local residents, students, families, and alumni visit our campus. In addition to events like Breakfast with Santa and Boosterthon, everyone attending our annual Fall Festival and Mardi Gras will see your sign. We have daily Mass celebrations and ministries have retreats for our community. Many come out to our athletic events to cheer on their children’s teams!
Check out our Signs of Success program that enables your business or organization to capture our unique market in the Rockledge area by purchasing a sign.
Your banner proudly displayed on our fence line visible to everyone entering and leaving our campus. This is a terrific way to build awareness for your organization, develop new business, and show your support for St. Mary’s sports programs; exceptional academics and church services to the community.
Available below is the 2024-2025 Signs of Success information and purchase form. This is a 8′ polished sign that will be proudly displayed for one year!
Please contact us with any questions you may have at events@stmaryrockledge.org or call 321-735-7593.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Fall Festival
October 26, 2024
Mardi Gras
March 1, 2025
Click below for more information!