May 29, 2018 Tuesday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time–B
1 Peter 1:10-16
Psalm 98
Mark 10:28-31
…those who preached the Good News to you through the Holy Spirit… 1 Peter 1:12
Lord, what me be holy? Your call to holiness and to life in the kingdom is a life-long calling. If you ask most people if they are holy they will likely respond with “I’m trying” or “not yet” or “I don’t know”. When I look back on my life, Lord, I can clearly see how difficult it is to achieve any measure of holiness on my own. Without holy people around me I lived a life according to the standards of the world. On my own I pursued values and behaviors that were not very holy. But, thanks to so many good, holy people who taught me by their example the ways to become holy I can say “yes, I can be holy too”. They brought me into holy communion with a community of people that love you and are unselfish in using their time, talent and treasure to build up your kingdom. They showed me the beauty and value of the Catholic Church with all its sacred traditions and holy worship. I thank you, dear Jesus, for putting holy people in my life. May I be an instrument today for you to bring someone into holy communion with you. Amen.