June 28, 2018 Thursday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B ST IRENAEUS, BISHOP, MARTYR
2 Kings 24:8-17
Psalm 79
Matthew 7:21-29
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” Mt. 7:24
Lord. Floridians are very familiar with the storms that can rock our homes and lives. Sturdy building materials and construction methods are necessary to survive a hurricane. For the past couple weeks your words have come to us from your Sermon on the Mount. Today you sum up the whole teaching when you urge us to build our lives on you our rock foundation. The wise person will listen to your words and then put them into practice. It is then we can be confident that we are following the will of the Father. Lord, your truth will defeat the lies of those who try to deceive us to follow a path other than yours. When we build our houses on the values of the world: money, pleasure, conflict, jealousy or sin then they are not secure and will collapse and fall. The winds and floods of political movements will not save us if our hearts are not centered on you and your word. May I live what I hear, trust that you are with me and always look to you for peace and security. Amen.