December 4, 2018 Tuesday of the 1st Week in Advent-C
Isaiah 11:1-10
Psalm 72
Luke 10:21-24
…his dwelling shall be glorious. Is. 11:10
“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” Lk. 10:23
Lord, we live in such an imperfect world. I am part of that imperfection. You became one with your creation to restore it to glory. It didn’t matter to you that we were so flawed and lost. You gave up everything perfect to live in our messiness so you could reconcile humanity with our Creator. I’m so very grateful that you don’t reject me because I continually fall and require your forgiveness. You wish to live in me because of your great love for me. You have a dream that I will open my heart to your presence. My eyes can be so blinded by my weaknesses and faults that I miss your day by day gentle invitation to holiness and union with my Father. You never stop molding and forming me to be glorious. Lord, this Advent show me your glorious presence in my life in good times and bad. Help me to see with the eyes of faith how you continue to transform my unworthiness. Hear my prayer that this Advent will be better than all previous Advents. Show me the path to the manger so I can worship you with the Holy Family. Amen.