Matthew 21:1-11

Isaiah 50:4-7

Psalm 22

Philippians 2:6-11

Matthew 26:14-27:66

…at the name of Jesus every knee should bend…  Philippians 2:10

“Hosanna to the Son of David…” Matthew 21:9

Lord, on that day you were a rock star!  You entered Jerusalem with the cheers and praise of a conquering general or a Super Bowl winning team.  The people had huge expectations of you.  They believed that somehow you would set them free of tyranny and oppression.  It would again be like the glory days of King David.  In a few short days their “Hosannas” would change to “crucify him”.  Their palm branches would become scourges and a crown of thorns.  Their hopes for victory would turn to defeat.  The victory you came to win for the people was so much greater than the one they sought.  You would defeat death itself and restore all mankind to your Father.  Lord, sometimes I too can sell you short.  I can expect too little from you.  You want a loving, intimate, relationship with me but I settle for so much less.  Dear Jesus, as I walk the road to Calvary with you this week help me to see the greater meaning of what you did for me.  I am overwhelmed by the love you poured out for me in your passion and death.  “Hosanna in the Highest.”  Amen