March 20, 2021 Saturday of the 4th Week of Lent-B
Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 7
John 7:40-53
So a division occurred in the crowd because of him. John 7:43
Lord, the nation of Israel had waited centuries for you to come to them. But when you appeared among them, some believed in you but others wanted to arrest and kill you. The educated and influential men wanted to maintain their positions of authority over the people and you were a threat to their status. Not only did you not fit into their idea of a Messiah, they were challenged by your teachings. Lord, you are God and I am not. Your ways are not my ways nor are your thoughts my thoughts. So, today I surrender to you and your dream for me. Remove from me any pride or stubbornness in the ways I respond to your grace. Shine your light into my darkness so I can walk with you and not stumble. Help me to accept the challenges you lay before me so that I can grow in loving you and those people you’ve placed in my life. May I admit I don’t have all the answers but you do. I hope in your power to heal any divisions or distrust in my heart. Thank you, dear Jesus, for being patient with me. Amen