February 9, 2021 Tuesday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Genesis 1:20—2:4

Psalm 8

Mark 7:1-13

“These people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me;” Mk. 7:6

Lord, how well you are able to look into the human heart.  After all, you created it. You also had a human heart when you came among us. You could recognize a phony instantly. What response did you want from the Pharisees? I think you just wanted their faith and belief in you as their Savior. But they were completely wrapped up in the many human traditions that were held so sacred in their lives. They controlled the people with these rituals and laws. You saw them as a burden on the people. Lord, sometimes I too can become too comfortable in the ways I pray and go to church. Attending Mass can become so routine and habitual that I barely let the Mass touch my soul. I can follow the rules and not give much thought to why. Lord, I can attend a retreat and leave uplifted and renewed but that doesn’t make a lasting impression on me. Lord, help me to be more open to your word and to give myself completely to you each and every day. Help me to offer prayer and worship from the depths of my being.  May I honor you with my whole heart. Amen