January 23, 2021 Saturday of the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time-B
Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14
Psalm 47
Mark 3:10-21
“He is out of his mind.” Mk. 3:21
Lord, it must have hurt you to be rejected by the people. The very people who loved you the most, your family, misunderstood you so much they believed you out of your mind. Being rejected, especially by those nearest to us, can be painful. Your actions and teachings were controversial to the people in that time. You wanted to shake up the way they related to your Father. They heard you teach them to love their enemies, they saw you eat with and befriend sinners and tax collectors, and they were amazed at how you challenged the respected religious authorities. They may have thought your ways were dangerous. Lord, all this tells me we don’t see the big picture the same way you do. The salvation plan of our heavenly Father was being carried out everything you said and did. His plan is not always what it appears to be. Lord, help me see with the eyes of faith. Bring your grace into my heart so I can be open to whatever way you want to fulfill your promises. I want to conform my heart and mind to you. Amen