December 21, 2020 Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent-B
Song of Songs 2:8-14
Psalm 33
Luke 1:39-45
Hark! My lover—here he comes… Song of Songs 2:8
“How does this happen to me, that he mother of my Lord should come to me?” Lk. 1:43
Lord, two women with miracles within their wombs meet and express great joy at your coming among us. How can I describe the love you have for us? My words come up short in trying to express how much you love all of us. Just as two young lovers can’t get enough of each other, you delight in us, your beloved. We are constantly on your mind. You want to be near us always. You grieve when we are away from you. The love you have for us, for me your precious and glorious child, is so strong it never wavers or fails. I can see you like a deer “springing across the hills” looking for me and leaping for joy when you find me. Lord, no way do I deserve such tender love and affection. May I today appreciate a little more what moved you to become a babe in a manger. In a few days we celebrate that baby and why you have come to be close to us. Fill me with the grace of your Spirit so I too can leap for joy at your coming to me. Amen.