November 26, 2020 Thursday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Revelation 18:1-2, 23-23; 19:1-3,9
Psalm 100
Luke 21:20-28
…stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” Lk. 21:28
Lord, it goes against our human nature to react to disaster and calamity in this way. We tend to hunker down or slink away in denial or fear. It’s a lack of faith and trust in you that leads us into hiding. Lord, I call upon you to teach me your truth so I may live it and witness it to your other children. Lord, today what and who do I need to witness to? Show me Lord, how you want to work in my life today. In my relationships and words and actions be totally present to use me. May I stand firm and not cower when life gets difficult or I must engage a problem. Lord, you will be with us all today as we gather to celebrate our family life and give you thanks for everything. Thanksgiving for all we have is well and good. You have called us to the heavenly wedding feast that is coming. I can attend that feast today in the Mass. Thank you, Lord, for giving us this opportunity everyday to celebrate your victory, to stand in your presence and to be fed by your word and you body and blood. Amen.