October 10, 2020 Saturday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Galatians 3:22-29
Psalm 105
Luke 11:27-28
“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Lk. 11:28
Lord, it’s been called the “Greatest Story Ever Told.” The inspired word of God is the story of our Father’s intervention in human history. It is the story of the salvation of the human race. In God’s word we are all inspired, strengthened, encouraged and fed. We learn of the love our Father has for us his precious and glorious children. He tells us how much he cares and how close he wants to be to all of us. Like a loving and faithful parent we hear his words of correction and warning. We witness the birth, life, death and resurrection of his only Son. We are taught to be holy and humble and giving. We are called to witness to the gospel by living it. I can choose to let your word to transform my life, influence my decisions and allow me to say yes like Mary. Dear Jesus until your word is lived, it is nothing. Bottom line, Lord, you place hearing and obeying God’s word right up there with the blessing of a loving mother and family. May your word bless us today. Amen.