October 5, 2020 Monday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Galatians 1:6-12
Psalm 111
Luke 10:25-37
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart… Ps. 111:1
“And who is my neighbor?” Lk. 10:29
Lord, who am I in the story of the Good Samaritan? Am I the scholar of the law, Levite, priest, robber’s victim or Good Samaritan? In any case, I am a beneficiary of your grace. I get the sense the scholar was looking for loopholes or limitations on your command to love his neighbor so he wanted to know who he was not required to love. I think sometimes I can put people I don’t like outside the list of those I am to love. I look to do the minimum necessary to fulfill the commandment. You tested the lawyer’s faith by making a Samaritan, the hated enemy of Jews, the hero in your parable. But what about the guy who was beat up and robbed? He didn’t pray for help. He didn’t have a choice in the matter. He could only lie there, bleed and die. Yet you saved him by sending an unlikely agent of healing and grace. Lord, you see me along the roadside bleeding. Out of compassion and love you cover me with your grace whether I ask for it or not. I am not in charge. I cannot control you or the avenues of your grace. Thank you for your healing and loving protection. Amen