September 30, 2020 Wednesday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. JEROME, PRIEST, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
Job 9:1-12, 14-16
Psalm 88
Luke 9:57-62
“I will follow you, Lord, but…” Lk. 9:61
Lord, have I set conditions on my response to your call to follow you? Do I hesitate and put off to tomorrow letting go of what holds me back? Is my weak faith an obstacle to being “all in” as your disciple? You’ve probably heard all the excuses for partial commitments to the journey with you. Attachments to this world, comfort, security and unwillingness to sacrifice can be barriers to living the abundant life you offer. In our gospel you are on the way to Jerusalem and the cross. If the cross is my only destination then why follow you at all? But it’s not. Beyond the cross is resurrection and eternal glory. Beyond the cross is my permanent home unlike this temporary one now. Lord, help me to keep looking forward for that is the only way I can follow you. Bless me with the grace I need to let go of what hinders my “all in” commitment to you. To walk with you is not easy and isn’t for wimps. One step at a time I choose to stay on the road with you. Make my heart firm and my love for you strong. Amen.