August 28, 2020 Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time – ST. AUGUSTINE, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
1 Corinthians 1:17-25
Psalm 33
Matthew 25:1-13
…for the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom… 1 Cor. 1:25
Lord, we love a good movie or novel with twists and turns of plot and surprising endings. The more unexpected the story lines the better. The story of our salvation is one of those. How crazy is it that an all mighty and powerful God would stoop to take on the limitations and weakness of human flesh? How crazy is it that this God–man would give himself up to death on a cross when with just a thought he could avoid it? That’s what you did, my Lord. You became one of us and died at our hands to give us life. How ungrateful and forgetful we are at times. We truly don’t deserve you. I guess such an intense love as you have for us defies common sense. It goes against logic and human wisdom. What you did can only be explained as foolish head-over-heels love. Lord, I am now a part of this story. May I, today, live the divine life you gave me from the cross. May I embrace the “logic of the cross.” I look forward to the surprise ending of my story of life in you. Amen.