Aug 21, 2020 Friday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. PIUS X POPE
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 107
Matthew 22:34-40
I will put my spirit in you that you may live… Ez. 37:14
“…you shall love the Lord, your God… You shall love your neighbor as yourself…” Mt. 22:37, 39
Lord, your greatest gift to us is life. You brought us into existence and placed within us your spirit-a piece of yourself. This divine spirit gives us a life that is meaningful-it has purpose. It also gives each of us a human dignity that demands respect. When the lawyer asked you to rate the commandments in importance you answered the key to all commandments is love. For if we love you with all we’ve got: body, mind and spirit and we love our neighbors we will fulfill all other commandments. You created me Lord out of love and all you ask is for me to love you back and other people too. Lord, this love can be a tall order at times. I admit that I can sometimes struggle to love others especially people that are hard to love. I need your help to make the decision to love you first and my family and others next. If it’s important to you then it’s important to me. Lord, I pray today that I listen to your spirit within me and follow your dream of love. I humbly surrender to your desire and will love today as if my life depended upon I because it does. Amen.