October 26, 2023, Thursday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Romans 6:19-23

Psalm 1

Luke 12:49-53

For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Rom 6:23

Lord, there is an old story that says within each of us live two wolves, an evil one and a good one, that are in constant battle. The one who wins the battle is the one we feed. Paul presents a very stark contrast in today’s word. He presents the choice before us as “life or death.” Our options are either subservience to sin or acceptance of your ultimate gift of salvation. We have so many choices to make in life but this one seems to top them all. It is the ultimate choice of all. You have said we must choose to be for you or against you. I am faced with that decision every day. Two roads lie before me and I must take the one that leads to you. Lord, I’m so grateful for the grace you have lavished on me to strengthen me for the journey of life. I have your word to guide me and your sacraments to nourish me along the way. I am confident you will be there for me if I fall, to lift me up to try again. Today dear Jesus, I pray that I can make the right choices and seek to feed the right wolf.  Amen.