October 25, 2023, Wednesday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Romans 6:12-18
Psalm 124
Luke 12:39-47
For sin is not to have any power over you…Rom. 6:12
“You also must be prepared…” Luke 12:40
Lord, the other day an entire family lost their lives in a horrible accident on the Interstate. A friend of mine died from cancer at the age of 40. Many were killed in recent hurricanes and earthquakes. May you have mercy on their souls. It’s a fact of life that we never know when our end will come. Perfect health is no guarantee of a long life. You encourage us to always prepare ourselves to enter eternity. If that time were known, then preparation would be easier. Too bad I sometimes only work at preparation when someone is looking. The challenge before us is to live each day as if it were our last. Lord, how can I prepare for my day? In your generosity you have entrusted me with all the graces and blessings I need to be ready. You have denied nothing that I must have to prepare for your coming. You end your parable with the reminder that you require much from those entrusted with much. May I today, dear Jesus, continue my conversion of heart, look for opportunities to grow in holiness and to live as if I have been saved. Amen