October 7, 2023, Saturday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY
Baruch 4:5-12, 27-29
Psalm 69
Luke 10:17-24
“Fear not my children; call out to God!” Baruch 4:7
“I give praise to you, Father…for you have revealed them to the childlike.” Lk 10:21
Lord, I too give thanks and praise for how you have shown us the face of the Father. You perfectly revealed how much the Father loves us by everything you said and did when you were among us in the flesh. And now we are confident that the care and nurturing the Father extends to us, his children, is given to us each and every day. We are never forgotten. We are never left to fend alone for ourselves. From the moment each of us came into the mind of God He has blessed us, cared for us, forgiven us and through your sacrifice has saved us from death. Today, I am reminded of the power of prayer, especially the holy Rosary. Lord, through the prayers of our Blessed Mother, Mary of the Rosary, we lift up our needs to you and bring to mind the mysteries of our salvation. I believe in the power of my prayers to change me and to change the world, especially prayers offered in childlike confidence and trust in you. Lady of the Rosary, ‘pray for us sinners now and at the hour of death.’ Amen