Faith Formation Kick-Off

Sunday, August 27 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM All Faith Formation students and families are invited! Be prepared! Meet the catechists, get important information about classes and sacramental prep, and…

Young Adults – Game Night

All young adults are invited to GAME NIGHT! Friday, July 28th at 6:30 PM in the Parish Office. Contact Sean for more information at

Thank you Fr. Mark Librizzi

Thank you to everyone who came to say your good-byes to Fr. Mark this weekend. We are grateful for his time at St. Mary Church. Please keep him in prayer…

Welcome Fr. Joseph Shaute

It is good to be with you!The Archbishop of Atlanta has loaned me to the Diocese of Orlando and Bishop Noonan has assigned me to St. Mary-Rockledge. I go by…