“Jesus did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well.” O Lord, you know our hearts, for they were created by you; our hearts are made for you; our hearts belong to you. O Lord, you know the very essence of our human nature, the core of our mortal beings, the depths of what we are made of. You know every little detail about us for we are wonderfully created in your image and we are wonderfully made in your likeness. You know everything thing about us; all that is good, all that is bad, all that is beautiful, all that is lacking, all that needs to be made new. No one more than you understands the one thing that separates us is the one thing you could never be but the one thing you were willing to die for is the one thing that wasn’t meant to be. God is good and all goodness flows from God. But all sin is evil and all that is evil is sinful and could never flow from God. Sin flows from darkness but heavenly light flows from God. Sin separated us for you O Lord and how sad that was. Sin continues to separate us from you my Lord and how sad that continues to be. At least until the day when sin will have no power over us O Lord for it will cease to be no more and how joyful it will be for all humanity, for all eternity. O Lord, how sad that we are like you in all things but sin but how good it is that you are like us in all things but sin because only you can help us for you have come to our aid, you have come into our sinful existence, you have come into our fallen nature. Two hearts are now united as one but divided by sin. Two natures are separated by indifference but destined to be whole again. Why would one so perfect, so holy, so pure, so innocent be sin for me? Why would one so beautiful, so sacred, so lovely, so kind take the blame for all that we thought, all that we said, all that we did and all that we failed to do? Why would the Creator of the creature, the Potter of the clay, the Shepherd of the sheep become so lowly, so vulnerable, so weak to be like us? Why would the Parent of the children, the Master of the slaves, the Teacher of the students, the King of the subjects become so easy to win over, so easy to defeat? Because God is love and in love we were meant to be.
Third Sunday of Lent