The Tree of Life
There are few personalities among the saints as stirring and passionate as St. Bonaventure. Born in 13th century Italy, he encountered the Franciscan order at a young age entering the…
The Little Flowers of St. Francis
Returning to our series on books every Catholic should read, we move into the Middle Ages. Our next book comes from the most important figure of the Middle Ages: St….
In good pastures I shall feed my sheep
I shall lead them forth from the Gentiles, and I shall gather them from foreign lands; I shall bring them into their own land, and I shall feed them on…
Let everything be done for God’s honor
Hear your bishop, that God may hear you. My life is a sacrifice for those who are obedient to the bishop, the presbyters and the deacons; and may it be…
We Follow the New Way
The sin of Adam had come into all men. Through one man, the Apostle says, sin entered and through sin, death. Thus it has come to all men. Therefore, the…
The Rule of St. Benedict
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, the European continent suffered a period of utter chaos. Institutional government was replaced with anarchy, violent raids were commonplace,…
The Confessions of St. Augustine
There are few writers in history as inspiring and influential as St. Augustine. A prolific author, brilliant theologian and passionate preacher, his works number among the most significant in Western…
The Ecclesiastical History
I am often asked, “What happened to the Apostles and other disciples after the New Testament?” Although many of us are familiar with the lives of Christians as recounted in…
The Epistles of St. Ignatius of Antioch
Blessed John Henry Newman once wrote, “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” This assertion is very much validated by the next group of authors…