Be Shepherds like the Lord
By: St. Asterius of Amasea You were made in the image of God. If then you wish to resemble him, follow his example. Since the very name you bear…
St. Thomas Aquinas- Part II
Last week we learned about St. Thomas’ early life. In this article we will focus on his intellectual career and the invaluable contributions he made to Western Civilization. In order…
St. Thomas Aquinas- Part I
Few thinkers in world history have been as inspiring, intellectual and popular as St. Thomas Aquinas. He was born 1225 in the castle of Roccasecca, Aquino, in the Kingdom of…
St. Hildegard von Bingen
We turn now to one of the most influential women of the Middle Ages. Hildegard was born in 1098 AD, the tenth child of a noble German family. Her father…
St. Gregory the Great
Although the popes preceding him were quite intellectual and accomplished in their activity (particularly St. Clement I and St. Leo the Great), the man we are about to discuss certainly…
St. Jerome- Biblical Scholar
“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” These words spoken by our next intellectual of Church history capture the heart of his life and mission. Born 347 AD in modern-day…
St. Augustine – Part II
St. Augustine converted to Christianity April 24th, 387 AD after 33 years of soul searching and argumentation. The venerable Ambrose had finally convinced this young intellectual about the truth…
St. Augustine of Hippo- Part I
Few thinkers in the history of civilization have had so wide an influence as St. Augustine of Hippo. It would be impossible to pay him proper homage in one article….