“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples.” In the darkness of a world covered over by sin, Christ enters humanity as “a light for revelation.” Jesus comes into our world to make visible the Father’s face of infinite love and divine mercy and to show the world how much God desires and cares for us. Light reveals, it unveils what we are unable to see and makes known what is hidden. Unfortunately, our gaze needs to be purified and our spiritual vision corrected in order to behold God’s gracious gift and to see and experience his amazing glory. Simeon and Anna were both faith and spirit filled people. They were filled with the hope that their eyes would personally behold the “Light of the World.” They longed for the anticipated Messiah. When Jesus revealed his light, his love, his life, Simeon and Anna saw it – they experienced it. They rejoiced in it and drew others to it. Sadly, it was not seen by all but only by some. Why? The people who were not prepared for the coming of the Lord did not see him even though he was in their midst and talking to them face to face. They could not see him. This will repeat itself many times with the Pharisees and Scribes who were unable to see Jesus because their own darkness and sin prevented them from seeing his glorious light. Simeon and Anna’s actions are helpful for our own spiritual journey. As we search for the Light of Christ, especially in desperate times, in bleak moments and moments covered with despair, confusion and desolation, we must remain patient and filled with joyful anticipation to see our Lord. We hear that Simeon was a righteous, devout and holy man filled with the Holy Spirit and that Anna was a woman dedicated to the Temple and lived a life of fasting and prayer. These beautiful, spiritual disciplines are so beneficial to our own spiritual journey for scripture says, “Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.” Let us pray that our Lord will continue to prepare our hearts and light our way as we journey to see him face to face.