“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” O my Lord, I was dead like a seed; yet so full of potential – so full of life. But dead – in a deep sleep. Then you planted me in your tender love and filled me with good things. You graciously helped me to give myself freely to you that I may live and breathe and grow. You nourished me with Yourself, your Son, your Spirit. You showered your grace upon me. I drank it – I took it all in; your light, your love, your life. I am ashamed to admit at times I was selfish with your gifts. I bore fruit that was sour and displeasing to you. But you never gave up on me; you never neglected me. You continued to water me with your grace; praying for me – hoping that I would receive you into the core and depths of my being. You desired me to be firmly planted in the running stream of your graciousness, to be deeply rooted in your tender love and to grow in your divine mercy. You cultivated the ground beneath my feet. You poured your body and blood into me. You pruned me in your love. You gave me new purpose. You gave me hope. You gave me meaning. You gave me life. You are the source of my being, the essence of my existence. You helped me to crave your precious gifts. You are so gentle, so patient, so kind, so generous. O Lord, what a loving, patient gardener of souls you are. You talk to us, share with us, encourage us to grow and blossom into beautiful flowers. I pray that I will forever blossom the sweet fragrance of your love and spread the sweet fragrance of your peace, presence, passion. Through your loving hands, may I bear fruit that is most pleasing to you; the fruit of faith, hope, charity. May the fruit given by your loving hands nourish all your children. May they receive your infinite love, your amazing grace, your gracious healing, your divine peace. O Father, with the help of your grace, in the name of your Beloved Son and in the fire of your Holy Spirit, may we continue to spread the seeds of our redemption and the fruit of your love throughout the fields of your glorious creation. Please make us instruments of your peace, sowers of your love, good fruit bearing trees.