“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Father, how you love your children; we desire to see you – we desire to return to you – we desire to be with you. When we gaze upon the beauty of the Nativity, we see how much you love us – how much you desire us – how much you want to be with us. You invite us to enter in to the Nativity, to be part of the scene; it is so silent, so beautiful, so peaceful; it speaks to our hearts. We enter into the sacred, we find ourselves in a place that we can be found by you. It is here that we are able to see you heavenly Father; to see just how much you love us. In this child, this Blessed Child, we see you, we see how vulnerable you wish to become for us; willing to come down from heaven and be with us and give us everything; yourself, your Son, your Spirit – everything, so that we can come back home to you. O Father, how you stoop down to hug your children, to be with us, to love us. Jesus, this is love beyond all time and telling. How profound that you would come down from heaven from all that is beautiful, from all that is perfect, from all that is you to enter into our brokenness, to enter this crazy world, to come to all that is disordered. You bring light to our darkness, life to our situation, love to our lives. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much. We are drawn to Mary and Joseph because they draw us to you. They gaze upon you Jesus in sweet adoration. We join Mary and Joseph; silently adoring you our King, our Lord in all your beauty, splendor and majesty. It is all so simple, so humble, so profound… it is all for us. Your arms outstretched, inviting us to come closer to receive the Father’s love; all the love that he has for all of us; for all of humanity – desiring nothing more than to be reunited to his children. This is the true gift of Christmas. God so loved the world, he sent his Son into the world to simply love us. May the Father’s gift remain forever in our hearts. May the peace of the Christ child be with us always.