From a homily on Saint Agatha by Saint Methodius of Sicily, bishop
Agatha, the name of our saint, means “good.” She was truly good, for she lived as a child of God. She was also given as the gift of God, the…
From the treatise Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus, bishop and martyr
The Word of God became man, the Son of God became the Son of Man, in order to unite man with himself and make him, by adoption, a son of…
From a commentary on the psalms by Saint Hilary of Poitiers, bishop
Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity! It is good and pleasant for brothers to dwell in unity, because when they do so their association…
From the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world of the Second Vatican Council
Faith, presented with solid arguments, offers every thinking person the answer to his questionings concerning his future destiny. At the same time, it enables him to be one in Christ…
From a sermon by John the Serene, bishop
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? How great was that servant who knew how he was given light, whence it came, and what sort of…
From a sermon on the Song of Songs by Saint Bernard, abbot
Where can the weak find a place of firm security and peace, except in the wounds of the Savior? Indeed, the more secure is my place there the more he…
From a conference by Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest
Why did the Son of God have to suffer for us? There was a great need, and it can be considered in a twofold way: in the first place, as…
From the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world of the Second Vatican Council
Husband and wife, by the covenant of marriage, are no longer two, but one flesh. By their intimate union of persons and of actions they give mutual help and service…
From the constitution on the sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council
Christ is always present to his Church, especially in the actions of the liturgy. He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, in the person of the minister (it…