From the commentary on the first letter of Peter by Saint Bede the Venerable, priest
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood. This praise was given long ago by Moses to the ancient people of God, and now the apostle Peter rightly gives it to…
From the first apology in defense of the Christians by Saint Justin, martyr
No one may share the Eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true, unless he is washed in the regenerating waters of baptism for the remission…
From the treatise Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus, bishop and martyr
The Church, which has spread everywhere, even to the ends of the earth, received the faith from the apostles and their disciples. By faith, we believe in one God, the…
From a sermon by Saint Theodore the Studite
How precious the gift of the cross, how splendid to contemplate! In the cross there is no mingling of good and evil, as in the tree of paradise: it is…
From a sermon by Saint Gaudentius of Brescia, bishop
The heavenly sacrifice, instituted by Christ, is the most gracious legacy of his new covenant. On the night he was delivered up to be crucified he left us this gift…
From a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope
My dear brethren, there is no doubt that the Son of God took our human nature into so close a union with himself that one and the same Christ is…
From a book addressed to Monimus by Saint Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop
The spiritual building up of the body of Christ is achieved through love. As Saint Peter says: Like living stones you are built into a spiritual house, to be a holy…
From an ancient Easter homily by Pseudo-Chrysostom
Christ, the sacrifice that was offered up for us, is the father of the world to come. He puts an end to our former life, and through the regenerating waters…
From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop
I speak to you who have just been reborn in baptism, my little children in Christ, you who are the new offspring of the Church, gift of the Father, proof…