From the treatise On the Trinity by Saint Hilary, bishop
We believe that the Word became flesh and that we receive his flesh in the Lord’s Supper. How then can we fail to believe that he really dwells within us?…
From a sermon by Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop
I appeal to you by the mercy of God. This appeal is made by Paul, or rather, it is made by God through Paul, because of God’s desire to be loved…
From the book On the Holy Spirit by Saint Basil the Great, bishop
Our Lord made a covenant with us through baptism in order to give us eternal life. There is in baptism an image both of death and of life, the water…
From a homily on the Gospels by Saint Gregory the Great, pope
I am the good shepherd. I know my own— by which I mean, I love them — and my own know me. In plain words: those who love me are willing…
From a discourse by Saint Athanasius, bishop
The Word of God, incorporeal, incorruptible and immaterial, entered our world. Yet it was not as if he had been remote from it up to that time. For there is…
From a sermon by Saint Ephrem, deacon
He who was also the carpenter’s glorious son set up his cross above death’s all-consuming jaws, and led the human race into the dwelling place of life. Since a tree…
From the treatise Against Heresies by Saint Irenaeus, bishop and martyr
The slip of a vine planted in the ground bears fruit at the proper time. The grain of wheat falls into the ground and decays only to be raised up…
From the dialogue On Divine Providence by Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin
Eternal God, eternal Trinity, you have made the blood of Christ so precious through his sharing in your divine nature. You are a mystery as deep as the sea; the…
From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop
Sing to the Lord a new song; his praise is in the assembly of the saints. We are urged to sing a new song to the Lord, as new men who…