From a catechetical instruction by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop
On the creed In learning and professing the faith, you must accept and retain only the Church’s present tradition, confirmed as it is by the Scriptures. Although not everyone is…
From a sermon given during the last synod he attended, by Saint Charles, bishop
Practice what you preach I admit that we are all weak, but if we want help, the Lord God has given us the means to find it easily. One priest…
From the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world of the Second Vatican Council
The Christian duty of working for peace Christians should cooperate, willingly and wholeheartedly, in building an international order based on genuine respect for legitimate freedom and on a brotherhood of…
From a book on the death of his brother Satyrus, by Saint Ambrose, bishop
Let us die with Christ, to live with Christ We see that death is gain, life is loss. Paul says: For me life is Christ, and death a gain. What does “Christ”…
From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot
Let us make haste to our brethren who are awaiting us Why should our praise and glorification, or even the celebration of this feast day mean anything to the saints?…
From a dialogue on Divine Providence by Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin
How good and comforting is your spirit dwelling in all men, O Lord With a look of mercy that revealed his indescribable kindness, God the Father spoke to Catherine: Beloved…
From a work by Baldwin of Canterbury, bishop
(Tract. 6: PL 204, 451-453) The word of God is both living and powerful The word of God is both living and powerful and much more piercing than a two-edged…
From a discourse Against the Arians by Saint Athanasius, bishop
Wisdom’s likeness and image is in God’s works An impress of Wisdom has been created in us and in all his works. Therefore, the true Wisdom which shaped the world…
From a commentary on the gospel of John by Saint Cyril of Alexandria, bishop
As the Father sent me, so I am sending you Our Lord Jesus Christ has appointed certain men to be guides and teachers of the world and stewards of his…