Repent – Saint Clement I, pope and martyr
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the ministers of God’s grace have spoken of repentance; indeed, the Master of the whole universe himself spoke of repentance with an oath:…
We know the Father through creative and incarnate Wisdom – Saint Athanasius, bishop
The only-begotten Son, the Wisdom of God, created the entire universe. Scripture says: You have made all things by your wisdom, and the earth is full of your creatures. Yet…
On the search for wisdom – Saint Bernard, abbot
Let us work for the food which does not perish—our salvation. Let us work in the vineyard of the Lord to earn our daily wage in the wisdom which says:…
God’s word is an inexhaustible spring of life – Saint Ephrem, deacon
Lord, who can comprehend even one of your words? We lose more of it than we grasp, like those who drink from a living spring. For God’s word offers different…
She who loved more could do more – Saint Gregory the Great, pope
Scholastica, the sister of Saint Benedict, had been consecrated to God from her earliest years. She was accustomed to visiting her brother once a year. He would come down to…
Recognize the dignity of your nature – Saint Leo the Great, pope
Our Lord Jesus Christ, born true man without ever ceasing to be true God, began in his person a new creation and by the manner of his birth gave man…
Let Christ be formed in you – Saint Augustine, bishop
Christ is formed in the believer by faith of the inner man, called to the freedom that grace bestows, meek and gentle, not boasting of nonexistent merits, but through grace…
We are heirs of God, coheirs with Christ – Saint Ambrose, bishop
The person who puts to death by the spirit the deeds of our sinful nature will live, says the Apostle. This is most surprising since one who has the Spirit…
From an account of the martyrdom of Saint Paul Miki and his companions, by a contemporary writer
Our brother, Paul Miki, saw himself standing now in the noblest pulpit he had ever filled. To his “congregation” he began by proclaiming himself a Japanese and a Jesuit. He…