The virtue of charity – Saint Leo the Great, pope
As we prepare to celebrate that greatest of all mysteries, by which the blood of Jesus Christ did away with our sins, let us first of all make ready the…
Christ the high priest makes atonement for our sins – Origen, priest
God taught the people of the old covenant how to celebrate the ritual offered to him in atonement for the sins of men. But you have come to Christ, the…
Christ is the way to the light, the truth, and the life – Saint Augustine, bishop
The Lord tells us: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. In these few…
Serve Christ in the poor – Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, bishop
Blessed are the merciful, because they shall obtain mercy, says the Scripture. Mercy is not the least of the beatitudes. Again: Blessed is he who is considerate to the needy…
The mystery of our new life in Christ – Saint Gregory the Great, pope
Christ suffered without sin on his hands, for he committed no sin and deceit was not found on his lips. Yet he suffered the pain of the cross for our…
The spiritual offering of prayer – Tertullian, priest
We are true worshipers and true priests. We pray in spirit, and so offer in spirit the sacrifice of prayer. Prayer is an offering that belongs to God and is…
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God – Saint Theophilus of Antioch, bishop
Those who can see with the eyes of their bodies are aware of what is happening in this life on earth. They get to know things that are different from…
Prayer knocks, fasting obtains, mercy receives – Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop
There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains,…
Boast only of the Lord – Saint Basil the Great, bishop
The wise man must not boast of his wisdom, nor the strong man of his strength, nor the rich man of his riches. What then is the right kind of…