From the beginning of a letter to the Trallians by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr
Ignatius, also called Theophorus, to the holy church at Tralles in the province of Asia, dear to God the Father of Jesus Christ, elect and worthy of God, enjoying peace…
From a treatise on Cain and Abel by Saint Ambrose, bishop
Offer God a sacrifice of praise and fulfill your vows to the Most High. If you praise God you offer your vow and fulfill the promise you have made. So…
From the Pastoral Guide by Saint Gregory the Great, pope
A spiritual guide should be silent when discretion requires and speak when words are of service. Otherwise he may say what he should not or be silent when he should…
From a book on Christian formation by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop
Whoever is in Christ is a new creation; the old has passed away. Now by the “new creation” Paul means the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a heart that…
From a treatise on the letter to the Philippians by Saint Ambrose, bishop
The Lord is near; have no anxiety. The Lord is always near to all who call upon his help with sincerity, true faith, sure hope, and perfect love. He knows…
From a letter written to all the faithful by Saint Francis of Assisi
It was through his archangel, Saint Gabriel, that the Father above made known to the holy and glorious Virgin Mary that the worthy, holy and glorious Word of the Father…
From a letter to the Philippians by Saint Polycarp, bishop and martyr
I ask you all to respond to the call of righteousness and to practice boundless patience. Your own eyes have seen it not only in blessed Ignatius, Zosimus and Rufus,…
From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot
He has given his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. Let them thank the Lord for his mercy; his wonderful works are for the children…
From the autobiography of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin
Since my longing for martyrdom was powerful and unsettling, I turned to the epistles of Saint Paul in the hope of finally finding an answer. By chance the twelfth and…