From the Jerusalem Catecheses
The bread of heaven and the cup of salvation On the night he was betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it…
From the Jerusalem Catecheses
The anointing with the Holy Spirit When we were baptized into Christ and clothed ourselves in him, we were transformed into the likeness of the Son of God. Having destined…
From the Jerusalem Catecheses
Baptism is a symbol of Christ’s passion You were led down to the font of holy baptism just as Christ was taken down from the cross and placed in the…
From an Easter homily by an ancient author
Christ the source of resurrection and life Saint Paul rejoices in the knowledge that spiritual health has been restored to the human race. Death entered the world through Adam, he explains, but life…
From a discourse by Saint Anastasius of Antioch, bishop
It was necessary that Christ should suffer and so enter into his glory Christ, who has shown by his words and actions that he was truly God and Lord of…
From an Easter homily by Saint Melito of Sardis, bishop
The Easter praise of Christ We should understand, beloved, that the paschal mystery is at once old and new, transitory and eternal, corruptible and incorruptible, mortal and immortal. In terms…
From the book of the prophet Ezekiel
I shall pour clean water upon you, and I shall give you a new heart Thus the word of the Lord came to me: Son of man, when the house…
From an ancient homily on Holy Saturday
For your sake I, your God, became your son; I, the Lord, took the form of a slave; I, whose home is above the heavens, descended to the earth and…
From the Catecheses by Saint John Chrysostom, bishop
The power of Christ’s blood If we wish to understand the power of Christ’s blood, we should go back to the ancient account of its prefiguration in Egypt. Sacrifice a lamb…