“Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” What a loving invitation our gracious Lord offers to Solomon and also extends to each of us. Surely we can ask God for anything we want to and we do. We ask for fame and fortune, for status and comfort, for ease and tranquility, for long life and posterity, for a big house and fancy car, to hit the jackpot and to win the lottery. We ask God for so many things – so many things that occupy our space, they consume our time, they keep us very busy. But will the things we asked for bring us peace? Not the temporary peace that we seek in difficult moments but the kind of peace that lasts through every moment. The kind of peace that lasts forever, the peace that will bring us into the Kingdom, the peace that will bring us eternal rest, the peace that only God can give. Do the things we ask for bring lasting joy, God’s grace, true happiness? We do ask for so many things. But the things that God is most pleased to give us are the things that would truly make us happy, make us free, bring us peace. God is most happy to provide the things that will draw us closer to him and keep us in his heart for all eternity. So what shall we ask for? I think how happy God was to receive Solomon’s response. How it must have been a sweet fragrance, an aroma of goodwill when Solomon’s response reached God’s ears. He didn’t ask for materialism or more time or even harm to his enemies or to those who made life difficult for him. Rather, he asked for a heart – a discerning heart, a heart that understood the difference in living a life in harmony with God’s will as opposed to those things that lead us in a wrong path – that lead us away from God’s grace, God’s will, God’s peace. At times we are weak and we allow the world to dissuade us from truly being happy. We allow others to encourage us to fill our lives with so many things that fade and lead us astray. So what should we ask for? If you want to be truly happy and at peace ask for an understanding heart. It will be sweet music to God’s ear.