September 22, 2018 Saturday of the 24th Week in Ordinary Time-B
1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49
Psalm 56
Luke 8:4-15
“…chocked by the anxieties…of life.” Lk. 8:14
Lord, a Native American story is told that within each of us are two wolves: one good and one evil in war with each other. The wolf who thrives and wins is the one we feed. You rightly point out today in your parable that worries can rob us of bearing fruit in our spirit. It can bring us down and discourage us to the extent we lose our faith in you. The growth of your word planted in our hearts can be chocked and stifled. Lord, your Church is enduring a painful and difficult time right now with revelations of abuse and sin among those trusted to lead us in faith. This reminds us of the humanity of our priests and bishops who can give in to temptations as readily as we the people. We all, at some time, feed the evil wolf. This can cause worry and anxiety among the people you love and lead some to abandon their faith. Lord, heal our wounds and remove the anxiety and mistrust among us. Keep us close to you and help us persevere in our walk with you. The good wolf will grow and win if we keep our eyes on you and trust. Amen.