September 14, 2018 Friday THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 78
Philippians 2:6-11
John 3:13-17
…becoming obedient to death on a cross. Phil. 2:8
Lord, the idea of the divine Son of God dying on a cross can be to some completely absurd. Yet we celebrate this instrument of torture and death because by it we have victory and eternal life. How could I explain this irony to someone who does not believe? The most innocent man in all of history died to save the guilty. The truth be known, I deserve to be on that cross. I put you there, Lord. There are no words to express the gratitude all your people should have for your obedience and submission to the cross. No wonder we have crosses in our churches, our homes and around our necks. No wonder so many begin and end their days with the sign of the cross. Thank you, Lord, for giving up everything for me and for accepting the cross. Your death on the cross and your resurrection from the tomb are eternally connected. One always goes with the other. Today, as I gaze at you on the cross, may I truly appreciate the love that put you there. May this sign of hope and victory always be before me. Amen.