October 31, 2018 Wednesday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Ephesians 6:1-9
Psalm 145
Luke 13:22-30
…with him there is no partiality. Eph. 6:9
“…many will come from the east and the west…” Lk. 13:29
Lord, it is good to know you don’t have favorites. We are all your children. You became one of us in flesh and blood to save everyone who believes in you. In our flawed human judgment we have placed some over others but you look at all of us in love. You desire all your children to be saved and to come to the heavenly banquet. Lord, continue to lead us to holiness. Open our eyes to see the lonely child, the homeless beggar, the disobedient teenager or those of different races as our brothers and sisters. We will share your kingdom one day with so many that we may look down upon today. Keep us faithful to your word and eager to do your will in every part of our lives. May I enter through the narrow gate into the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Amen.