October 17, 2017 Tuesday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, BISHOP, MARTYR
Romans 1:16-25
Psalm 19
Luke 11:37-41
…the Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe… Rom 1:16
The Pharisee was amazed to see he did not observe the prescribed washing… Lk. 11:37
Lord, how blessed the Pharisee was to invite you to dinner. He was shocked that you didn’t follow the legalism he held so highly. You didn’t hold back in your correction of your dinner host. This was an opportunity to help him come to faith. This was his chance to hear the real Gospel truth that conversion of heart is more important than empty rituals and burdensome laws. He would be saved by faith in you and not by how he washed his hands. We don’t know if he got the message. Lord, correct me when I don’t get it too. I invite you to come into my house and change my heart. You can make everything about me clean and new. Make the good news of your love and mercy the foundation of all I think, say and do. Remove from me any spiritual blindness or legalism that can be obstacles to my faith in you as my savior and redeemer. Keep me close to you, O Lord. Thank you for accepting my invitation to fill me with yourself. Amen.