October 16, 2018 Tuesday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Galatians 5:1-6
Psalm 119
Luke 11:37-41
For through the Spirit by faith, we await the hope of righteousness… Gal. 5:5
“Oh you Pharisees!” Lk. 11:39
Lord, you often commented on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Sometimes your frustration with them comes through loud and clear. Paul points to the slavery that comes from relying on laws for salvation. Non believers today often criticize Christians for hypocrisy in that we may say the right things but our actions don’t reflect what we believe. I thank you, Lord, for providing all the grace I need for salvation through your cross. I can’t save myself no matter how hard I try. Help me to surrender any self centered reliance on anything other than you and your grace. May the heart of the gospel: love of you, my neighbor and myself guide me to accept the salvation you offer. Create within me a clean heart. And may that heart guide my actions of charity, compassion and love of those around me. May my love of you show in my thoughts, words and deeds. I’m so grateful for the freedom your Spirit gives as I walk with you in faith. O Jesus, your grace is enough. Amen