November 24, 2018 Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-B ST ANDREW DUNG-LAC, PRIEST, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS.
Revelation 11:4-12
Psalm 114
Luke 20:27-40
“Come up here.” Rev. 11:12
Lord, the people of your time and ours have questions about resurrection and the end times. The Sadducees tried to tick you with their impossible scenario. You affirmed the truth of the resurrection for them and for us. Later, your rising from the grave foreshadowed our future rising in glory into eternal life. Lord, help me to be restored from the state of sin and death and to live with you forever. Help me to leave behind the destructive habits and darkness that can separate me from you. Pull me close to you when I am afraid and heal me when I am wounded. Prepare me in any way you wish to enter your glorious kingdom. I so long to hear the words, “come up here my child and rest in my peace.” May I follow the example of St. Andrew and all the saints who lived their faith to the very end. I love you, dear Savior, for allowing me to participate in your victory over evil. At that time everything I hold so closely in this world will seem as nothing compared to the awesome joy of life with you. Amen.