November 13, 2018 Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time-B ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI, VIRGIN
Titus 2:1-8, 11-14
Psalm 37
Luke 17:7-10
…as we await the blessed hope, the appearance in glory of the great God… Ti. 2:
Lord, your disciple Titus gives us a detailed checklist of how to await your coming. He tells us to live temperately and justly in the time we’ve been given until we meet you. How we spend our time and money says a lot about our spiritual character. It says a lot about our priorities and what we consider important in life. Much of his advice is about forming good relationships with our brothers and sisters. It’s about respecting each other and living a life of service to those you have placed in our path. It is challenging to resist the worldly culture which lures me away from you and your desire for me. Titus is giving me a bottom line about living a moderate and balanced life. I can enjoy the fruits of this world at the same time bearing fruit for your kingdom. Lord, I cannot do this on my own so I ask you to bless me with the grace to be temperate and just until you come. I will seek first your kingdom and receive all I need in return. Amen.