May 8, 2017 Monday of the 4th Week of Easter-A
Acts 11:1-18
Psalm 42
John 10:11-18
“…who was I to be able to hinder God?” Acts 11:17
They will hear my voice. John 10:16
Lord, Peter had a huge decision to make. He was at a crossroads and must choose which path to follow. He could decide to stay with the status quo and not invite the Gentiles to faith in you or he could “shake things up” and bring the good news to non-Jews. You led him to this point and gave him the courage to walk a new road. There was opposition and fear. But your Spirit filled them all and a new day was begun. Lord, I am facing a big decision in my life. Speak to me as you spoke to Peter and the others. Give me ears to listen. Guide my heart to choose the path you want me to walk. The last thing I want is to hinder your plans or be an obstacle for me to go in a new direction, if that is what you want. I thank you in advance for hearing and answering my prayer. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening. Amen.