Zephaniah 3:14-18
Psalm Isaiah 12:2-6
Luke 1:39-56
He will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love… Zeph. 3:17
“Blessed are you who believed…” Lk. 1:45
Lord, I need to be reminded how much you care about me. I need to be encouraged that you think I am somebody very special and unique. You actually rejoice over me. Hundreds of years before your birth the prophet Zephaniah compared your joy over us to people singing and dancing at a festival. I am overcome with joy when I imagine you singing and dancing because of me. Since you hold me in such high regard, how can I put myself down like I tend to do. I can’t let my sins and mistakes keep me from realizing how blessed I am. Mary and Elizabeth, two women with miraculous babies in their wombs, rejoiced that you had given them so many blessings. Lord, renew me in your love so I can also rejoice at your presence. Help me to believe how much you delight and celebrate who I am: your most precious and glorious child. Show me today how I can grow in your love and be a witness to that love for all of us. With the help of your grace, I can be good news to someone who needs encouragement today. Amen.