May 16, 2019 Thursday of the 4th Week of Easter-C
Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25
Psalm 89
John 13:16-20
“The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors…” Acts 13:17
Lord, Paul gives us a brief overview of salvation history. He tells how God prepared a people for your coming among us. Step by step God’s plan to restore mankind to himself moved forward. It is comforting to know that throughout history you have been faithful to your people despite our unfaithfulness. As we celebrate and remember your resurrection from the dead we have hope that the divine plan continues today and into the future. Lord, I know you do not change. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I can rely on your grace to provide all the spiritual help I need to live my faith in the world today. I am as much a part of salvation history as are the famous men and women of the past. You had me in mind when you created the world. I am not unimportant or insignificant. While I will not be written about in history books I nevertheless have a role in building up your kingdom. Dear Jesus, I am open to however you will form me today to be who you created me to be. With the psalmist I sing: “through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness.” Amen.