May 15, 2017 Monday of the 5th Week of Easter-A

Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18

Psalm 115

John 14:21-26

…they continued to proclaim the good news.  Acts 14:7

“The Advocate, the holy Spirit…will teach you everything…”  John 14:26

Lord, in one city Paul and Barnabus were nearly stoned to death.  In another place they were worshiped like gods.  Both these responses were obstacles to their faith.  Today we too encounter obstacles to our faith.  Materialism, self-centeredness, political correctness and our pleasure seeking culture all conspire to block the growth of our relationship of faith with you and each other.  Despite these hardships we must persevere like Paul and Barnabus.  Lord, I’m so grateful for your holy Spirit that is your power and presence in our world today.  Your Spirit is my guarantee that you haven’t given up on me despite my weaknesses.  I can persevere through the trials and difficulties which the world, my flesh and the evil one present only with your grace.  Lord, teach me, strengthen me, and guide me to hang in there with you no matter what.  May your Spirit live in me today.  Amen.