March 17, 2019 2nd Sunday of Lent-C
Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17—4:1
Luke 9:28-36
Abram put his faith in the Lord… Gen. 15:6
“This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” Lk. 9:35
Lord, your journey up the mountain with your disciples started out as just another ordinary time to pray. Little did they know that they would see your divine glory and hear the Father’s voice from a cloud. What a mountaintop experience they had! Just as God spoke to Abram and encouraged him to believe the impossible, this vision encouraged your disciples for the time to come when you would enter into your passion and death. Lord, while there are no mountain tops in Florida I still can be alone with you in prayer anytime I want. I too want your encouragement in my daily trials and challenges. I want the faith of Abram that you will fulfill all your promises to me and my family. I place my trust in you and can’t wait to see your glory as you answer my prayers. Each day this Lent may I turn to your word and listen to you very carefully for you have the words of eternal life. Your word has the power to transfigure me if I accept it in faith. Like Peter, it is good that I am here with you each day in prayer. Amen.