June 27, 2019 Thursday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-C
Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16
Psalm 106
Matthew 7:21-29
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt. 7:21
Lord, your words today come from the tail end of your great Sermon on the Mount. You told the people in your teaching to do the will of the Father. They learned there is more to the law than following the letter of the law. Blessings, salt and light, prayer, fasting, money, judgment and the golden rule are some or your instructions. The hardest for most would have been loving enemies, going the extra mile for an opponent and giving every time one is asked. Your words are meant for me in this time. To be your disciple can involve difficult choices between the standards of God and the way I want to live. There must be a balance and continuity between my words and my actions. I cannot grow in my relationship with you by merely saying I am a believer. Lord, look into my heart and show me what may be blocking my coming nearer to you. I want to know your heart and your dream for me. I want to build my life on the rock of your truth and always love you first of all. Amen