June 27, 2018 Wednesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B
2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3
Psalm 119
Matthew 7:15-20
Give me discernment that I may observe your law and keep it with all my heart. Ps 119:34
“By their fruits you will know them.” Mt. 7:16
Lord, we often wonder if we are following your will. When faced with a decision or course of action we ponder how you would have us proceed. Many ask themselves in such a time “what would Jesus do?” You have given us Holy Scripture to help us to understand what we are to do. You have given us the gifts of the Holy Spirit to discern how to carry out your commands. Purify my heart, Lord, so I can be in union with your will. Remove from me any false pride or ego which can block me from being a true disciple. I only want to bear good fruit for you but, as you well know, sometimes things get out of hand and I produce fruit that is rotten. When tempted to gossip, deceive, react with anger, or keep silent in the face of injustice let me turn to you for the grace to follow your will. Show me the false prophets that only want to lead people away from you. Lord, plant your word in my heart so I can faithfully embrace the abundant life you give. Amen.