June 26, 2019 Wednesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-C
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 105
Matthew 7:6, 15-20
Abram put his faith in the Lord… Gen. 15:6
Lord, Abram sure asked a lot of questions. I guess it’s reasonable for him to be curious because he and Sara were only getting older each day and still did not have a descendant. He may have wondered what God was waiting on. Did he doubt that God would come through and fulfill his impossible promises of children and land? We remember Abram so many thousands of years later because of his great example of enduring trust and patient faith. During his waiting on God he no doubt was tempted to believe the false prophets of his day and worship idols that were all around him. Lord, oh that I could have the child-like trust of Abram! You have made the same covenant with me that was made with Abram. You tell me to trust and to live a faithful life and blessings as numerous as the stars in the sky will be mine. Patient waiting is a good test of my faith so I ask for your grace to always hold on to your promises. Help me not to be distracted by wolves in sheep’s clothing. Thank you, dear Jesus, for hearing and answering all my questions. Amen.